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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  May 14, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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hello again, everyone, thank you so much for joining me, i'm fredericka whitfield. our top story, coast-to-coast rallies happening right now marking a day of action for abortion rights. hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in the events across all 50 states. the rallies are in responsible to a u.s. supreme court leaked draft opinion revealing a majority of justices are poised to strike down roe v. wade. and if overturned, constitutional protections for abortion rights would likely be eliminated in 26 states. we have reporters covering this story in several key locations today. cnn's shimon prokupecz is live for us in the nation's capital. polo sandoval is covering the new york event. let's begin with polo. it looks like people are crossing the brooklyn bridge. >> reporter: we're practically
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at the foot of the brooklyn bridge. this is the very first wave of demonstrators. this is a live picture of protesters who began on the brooklyn side, marching over the brooklyn bridge, now mere yards from setting foot on the manhattan side of the bridge. there was a powerful moment 30 minutes ago when we captured a second pro-choice protest that was brooklyn-bound, a powerful moment when there were demonstrations on both sides of the bridge standing in solidarity here. nypd has been basically clearing the way for these demonstrators to be able to peacefully march over the brooklyn bridge and essentially take over the lanes of traffic that are usually dedicated to vehicle traffic. so again, as you take these pictures in here, it's definitely an impressive size crowd that began their march not just against that leaked memorandum from the supreme court a little under two weeks
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ago, but also, according to one supporter, one man from queens who told me, this is also an effort to send a message to women in other states, those that perhaps have not historically leaned pro-choice. that is really the message we're getting here as we continue to see people, mainly women but many men as well, march from brooklyn to manhattan for this mile and a half pro-choice march. >> polo sandoval in new york, thank you so much. let's go to the nation's capital. shimon prokupecz is there. what's happening? >> reporter: yeah, fred, so we came out of the area of the park where they're having the speakers speak, to show you outside, as we get ready to march, the march is supposed to set off here shortly. some of the speakers are still going. many of the people here are gathered outside here. we've been seeing a steady, steady extreme of people still coming here as they prepare to march. the police are set up here.
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the theme here really for most people is just to keep fighting, don't give up. the fact that this leaked draft opinion came out, they're saying that should not allow people to lose hope, that the fight has to continue, reminding people that there is an election in november. and one of the overwhelming themes, fred, that we have been hearing from the speakers here today, is how this ruling, should it stand, should roe get overturned, is that it's going to affect underserved communities, low income communities. and that's what we've been hearing so much from many of the people who have taken the stage here to talk about their own experiences in their life and saying that this is something that could really affect so many of the people who really can't afford to move around the country should they need this kind of care. and the other thing, we are seeing some counterprotests, small pockets here outside of the rally area here on the corners. they've gathered here, optimism
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it's been very peaceful, but they've been standing there, having their viewpoints being heard, as we get ready for this march to set off what should happen here shortly. the police are getting ready, there's also a marching band here which is going to kick off the rally, which should kick off here in the next few minutes, fred. >> we'll check back with you, shimon, thank you so much. nadia romero is in atlanta. tell us what's happening. >> reporter: fred, for the past two hours we've heard passionate speeches from many people, from people who say they are part of the health care industry, that they've worked at abortion clinics and helped women make that difficult decision and made sure they have a safe, legal way to get an abortion. we've heard from women, their personal stories of getting an abortion, one said she had one just two weeks ago.
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i spoke to a meother of 4-year-old twins. she said she wanted to make sure her daughter had the same right to choose when she is older. she shared with me why she received an abortion years ago. take a listen. >> i have 4-year-old twins. and i always wanted kids. it was kind of a journey to get there, it involved a failed pregnancy that might have killed me if not for abortion. so yeah, i think it's complex, and i think it should be between a woman and her doctor. >> reporter: and you hear so many women today who took the mic who said it shouldn't have to be rape or incest for a woman to choose what's best for her body, her reproductive health, and her rights. i spoke with a man, jawan, who came out here by himself. a third of the crowd is men. he says, nadia, i don't have a uterus but my mother does, my sisters do, i don't think i
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should have the right to tell them what to do with their body and that's why i'm here. fred? >> nadia romero in atlanta, thank you to you and all our correspondents today. the shortage of baby formula could get even worse. we'll talk to a pediatrician about what parents should do. find the perfect solution for your business. hey, did i tell you i bought our car from carvana? yeah, ma. it was so easy. i found the perfect car under budget too! and i get seven days to love it or my money back... i love it! [laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana.
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tru niagen is proven to increase nad, to support heart and muscle health, and energy production that starts in your cells. address one of the root causes of aging with tru niagen. search tru niagen to learn more. all right. parents across the u.s. are scrambling as a nationwide baby formula shortage gets even worse. sky high inflation, supply chain delays, and a recent recall at a major u.s. formula manufacturer have all played a part in this crisis. cnn's elizabeth cohen has more. >> reporter: 11-month-old whalen houston is happy with her bottle now but you should have seen her a few months ago when she had no choice but to drink baby formula that hurt her stomach. >> she was crying, wouldn't drink it, so of course she
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wasn't full and was irritable. >> reporter: she had to stop drinking her regular brand of baby formula a few months ago. a recall of some lots of similac and supply chain issues have caused widespread shortages. her parents couldn't find the brand near their home in georgia. it wasn't online. friends and family couldn't find it where they live either. >> it's terrifying when that's the only true source of nutrition that your baby gets because it will get to the point when you get to the store and you almost cry. >> reporter: nationwide, 43% of baby formula stock is gone. parents are desperate. >> leaving us with only a few options that work with our babies' sensitive tummies. >> reporter: this dad made a tiktok about searching for formula for his new twins in san diego, saying he's nervous and scared about what will happen in the coming weeks. the mom of these preemie twins in avonn, connecticut, spent hours a day searching for formula. this mom in springfield, ohio,
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can't find her son's regular formula and has to use other brands that bother his stomach. >> it's scary to walk down the aisles and see empty shelves and not be able to find the exact formula we need. >> reporter: no matter how desperate, the fda, the cdc, and the american academy of pediatrics say, don't make your own baby formula. it could be dangerous for the baby. whalen's parents, unable to find a formula that worked for her, transitioned her to cow's milk a month earlier than recommended. her pediatrician says she's doing great. it's not clear when the shortage will end. abbott nutrition who makes similac says it's increasing production in other plants and air shipping formula from ireland. the fda is asking retailers to limit how much customers can buy. >> the work is ongoing to bring the plant up to speed. in the meanwhile, we've been
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working with all manufacturers to make sure there is a supply of infant formula. >> reporter: but parents say they need a better solution right now. >> it's not something that a parent should have to deal with. >> reporter: elizabeth cohen, cnn, reporting. it is an incredible struggle. here is dr. edith sanchez with her very cute 7-month-old who is excited to be with us too. >> so excited, it's good to see you. >> i love this, wonderful. i love that william is all gums. look, i mean, you can relate, right, as a mom to a 7-month-old, the kind of struggle that so many families are now dealing with. they may have been married to a particular type, you know, of formula, and now they're having to make a whole lot of adjustments. so what is your advice, what are you doing, what kind of advice are you giving to other moms and
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dads? >> so i guess the first thing i'll say is i can't imagine what some parents are going through right now. when william was born, while my milk was coming in, he's fortunately a breast-fed baby, but he had to use formula. he had a c-section and it took a while. it's not a position for parents to be in, it's been really hard for some families. talk with your pediatrician if you are having trouble finding formula and finding formula that your baby can drink. i think, fredericka, for a lot of families it's a matter of finding a different brand, from a different store, and most babies will be okay. but if your baby has a specific condition it becomes a little bit tricky, finding the right type of formula. so call us, we're here, we get it, obviously, right? >> what are some of the questions people need to ask? i nursed all three of my kids too, but for my twins i had to supplement my breast milk, also using some formula, but then
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they had to be very specific because they were preemies. so what are some of the questions that some parents need to be asking? because it's not as simple as just saying, hey, where do i find some formula and what can i do to transition. but there are some real specifications that have to be met for every individual family. >> that's right. so the first thing you want to ask is, what is an equivalent formula. if your baby is taking a formula because they have a specific allergy or a specific condition, you want to ask what an equivalent is. and you want to make sure that you are finding something that your baby can tolerate. i think some people don't realize that formulas made for babies to be able to get enough nutrients and the way they can digest it. it's not just nutrients, it's nutrients in a way that babies can digest them and be able to take them into their bodies without getting any harm. it's an equivalent, and being able to do it in a way that is safe. >> right, and some families are
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saying okay, i've got a little supply right now, what if i were to water it down a little bit. what's your response to them? >> so, very unsafe. fredericka, let me just briefly transition this little guy to my husband so we can keep chatting. so i think people may not realize that when you do that, when you water down formula, and it can actually lead to something called water intoxication. the kidneys of babies are not developed to filter out excess water in the body. so it can actually be extremely dangerous, can lead to low levels of sodium, can lead to seizures. it's really not that simple. before you do any of that, call us, as i said at the beginning, please call us, we're here ready to help you. >> then there are a number of women who are pregnant right now. when you're pregnant, you're in planning stage, whether it be planning for your nursery,
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trying to plan what your delivery experience might be like. and now there are some pregnant women saying to themselves, okay, now i have added anxiety about whether i need to breast-feed or whether i can rely on formulas. what kind of advice, what do you tell them right now about these added anxieties? >> so i would say you have enough to worry about right now, truly. i really do believe this is going to be solved in the weeks to come. and we still have so many options in addition to supporting breastfeeding. if breastfeeding is your choice, we as physicians are here to support you. and employers, friends, can do what they can to support you. i speak from experience, it is really hard to set up breastfeeding. we're here to support you. if the formula issue continues, if the supply shortage continues, we will also support you through that. if you're pregnant out there, don't add this to your list of
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anxieties right now. >> we love your optimism. let me shift gears a little bit, a lot of parents are very worried about this spike of large alarming, very mysterious set of cases involving hepatitis in children, hundreds around the world. here in the united states, the cdc is investigating 109 cases including five deaths. so what do people need to be on the lookout for, what do they need to understand about what's happening here? >> so i think the first thing i would say is that it is incredibly rare for children to become this ill with hepatitis. we're talking about an infection of the liver. and it is incredibly rare. but now is the time to understand what the signs are, as you mentioned, right? if you are noticing that your child is not acting themselves, is having incredibly high fevers, is looking a little yellow, their skin has a little bit of a yellow tint, so does
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their eyes, they have light colored stools or dark colored urine, that's a sign that they may have hepatitis. you should be reaching out before your child develops those signs, you should be reaching out with early concerns. and again, this remains rare, but we're all educating ourselves. >> all right. thank you so much for imparting your advice to us and inviting and educating all of us about very tough topics. dr. sanchez, our thanks to little william there too, he did great. >> thank you. coming up, the siege of the steel plant in mariupol, ukraine, continues. ukrainian officials say they're open to turkish or chinese mediation to help arrange the evacuation of wounded soldiers. we're live in kyiv, next. and look at these live pictures out of the nation's capital right now. crowds have begun marching toward the u.s. . supreme court.
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ukraine's deputy prime minister says her government welcomes the prospect of turkey or china helping to mediate the evacuation of ukrainians still trapped inside a steel plant in mar mariupol. there are believed for hundreds of soldiers still trapped in the facility which has been under siege for weeks by russian forces. cnn's melissa bell is in kyiv. melissa, has china or turkey shown any interest in mediating? >> reporter: until now, fredericka, this had been
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unclear. we went to another press conference here in kyiv held by family members of those hundreds of ukrainian fighters, many of them 20, 21, 22-year-old women and men. it is their mothers, their fathers who have been getting together regularly to make these desperate appeals for outside intervention. what we understand now is that the presidency of turkey, through the voice of a spokesman, has said there is a boat, a ship that is ready and docked off istanbul, ready to go and collect these many hundreds of wounded fighters if a deal is struck. now, just to remind our viewers exactly what's going on within this azovstal steel plant in mariupol, dire conditions outside, very infrequent contact with these young men and women, we understand that medical supplies have run out. and we're talking about many of them wounded, amputees, life-threatening conditions, with nothing to help alleviate the pain. they are also, fredericka, now running out of food. what their parents tell us is
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that they probably have another week's supply. essentially, if they don't get help from the outside world, they will die. we spoke to one of those mothers outside that press conference today appealing for help from either the turkish or the chinese presidency and who spoke to us of her some artem, who lost last called her on mother's day, may 9th. this is what she had to tell us about him. >> translator: i have a strong tie with him. i always feel with him when he calls that i shouldn't be saying anything because it's hard for him, i keep silent. when he wants to say something, he does. they are in a real hell. they deserve to stand on the surface of the earth and see the sun. >> reporter: we wait to hear, then, whether russian authorities will allow this extraction to take place and we will of course be following that closely. there is some good news for ukrainian forces, though, from
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its main battlefields in the east of the country, where russian forces have been trying to concentrate their forces and cross a particular river. cnn has managed to see with satellite footage, eyewitness accounts, that it is possible to corroborate the ukrainian account of the battle that's been going along this river for the last few days, where ukrainians have said, and it seems evidence now shows, that the russians have suffered a serious rout, with many men lost, equipment left by the side of the road, several pontoon bridges they've been trying to construct, destroyed by ukrainian forces. this is crucial because it means the momentum of where they've concentrated their forces in this latest offensive to try and push north wards from their stronghold in luhansk seems for now to have failed. of course ukrainians saying that time is of the essence here as well, they say they're running out of weaponry, that they need more help. that is why president zelenskyy was so keen, fredericka, to
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welcome a congressional visit lend by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, leading a team of four republican congress men in all who came all the way to kyiv. we don't know exactly when this visit happened. we just got the video of it today, a meeting between zelenskyy and these four con congressmen. zelenskyy said afterwards he saw it as a strong sign of american support for ukrainian efforts. it comes of course in the context of that $40 billion aid package that is currently stalled in the senate. but with bipartisan support, it is believed it will get through. it is for the time being the objections of senator rand paul that have slowed it down. president zelenskyy clearing showing through that visit that he hoped that meant the support would come through. as far as the ukrainians are concerned, that american support that is both humanitarian and military, they say is crucial to their ongoing efforts not only to push ahead with their counteroffensive that's been so effective in the north of the country towards kharkiv but also, again, to keep this latest
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russian offensive at bay, fredericka. >> melissa bell, thank you so much. coming up, justice clarence thomas speaking up on the leaked supreme court draft opinion that would overturn roe v. wade. he warns that america is, i'm quoting now, in danger of destroying the institutions that are required for a free society, end quote. details and more straight ahead. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel.
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we're continuing to monitor more than 200 abortion rights rallies today across all 50 states. they're gathering in response to a leaked draft u.s. supreme court opinion that would strike down roe v. wade. cnn's shimon prokupecz is live for us at the nation's capital. let's check in with you, shimon, as you're working your way along with a number of folks out for the rally, making their way to the supreme court, correct? >> reporter: that's right, we're on constitution and ninth now. we just passed, those of who you are familiar with this area, we just passed the department of justice. so thousands, and we can't see all the way far back here, but certainly thousands were gathered at the area of the rally, then more people started streaming in just before 2:00 for this march, which started
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about 20 minutes or so ago. we're about halfway or so into the supreme court area. and you can see everyone out here. i've been talking to some of the people in the crowd. they are very hopeful, the fact that they're all getting together in this way, they feel there's hope. there's hope in this community, there's hope in this fight. people have traveled here from across the country to be here for this march as it heads towards the supreme court. as you can see behind me, these are the organizers of the event here at the front of the line as they march and walk towards the supreme court. we have seen, fred, some counterprotesters along the way. small pockets of it. but for the most part, this has been very peaceful. we're hearing chants such as "abortion as a right, we won't give up this fight." that's what this has been about this day, for all of them here, to say they're not going to give
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up. the overwhelming concern here has been how this affects people in poorer communities, people in underserved communities. that is something that is on the top of mind of many of the people who have gathered here, fred. >> shimon, thank you so much. let's go to los angeles now, camille, in the last hour, mayor eric garcetti was addressing the crowd. what more is being said? >> reporter: hey, fred, yeah, a number of speakers who say that california will continue to fight for women to have the right to an abortion, to a safe abortion. we heard from a number of speakers, there was music, there was dancing, the crowd cheering. we're talking about children, women, men, people of all ages, who are here to support the women of california and really the women all around the country. organizers expected about 50,000 people here today. this is an event that was planned even before the draft
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opinion was leaked. and now they say they're going to continue to fight, and they're going to continue to organize. i spoke to a number of activists, all of them telling me that from now until the supreme court opinion becomes official, they're going to continue to hold these rallies, marches, go out to the streets, have school walkouts, you name it. i talked to one of those activists, here is what she told me. >> this leak has gifted us a profound opportunity to fight back and prevent the overturn of roe by acting and getting out into the streets. >> reporter: and everyone that i've talked to has been extremely passionate. they say they will continue to be out on the streets, because a lot of these activists say that women will have to fight for their rights and will have to continue to do so. california is key in all of this, because it is a state that protects abortions. so activists and organizers expect more and more women
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coming to california in search of a safe abortion. so that's why this state is key in all of this, fred. >> all right, camilla bernal, shimon prokupecz, thanks to both of you, i appreciate it. on the eve of thousands of women and minen rallying across the country today, u.s. supreme court justice clarence thomas spoke out in dallas, commenting about the leak of the supreme court draft opinion on abortion and how the court, in his view, is changing. >> i just think they bring -- that anybody that would for example have an attitude toward leaked documents, that general attitude is your future on the bench. and you need to be concerned about that. and we never had that before. we actually trusted -- it was -- we may have been a dysfunctional family but we were a family, and we loved it. you trusted each other. you laughed together. you went to lunch together every day.
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>> let's bring in now cnn supreme court reporter ariane de vogue, so good to see you. what do we make of what he's saying? is he talking, you know, about his concern for sort of a breach of what usually is secrecy ahead of the release of opinions? or is he speaking more about what was the intimacy of, you know, the nine and the support staff? how do we understand what he's saying there? >> right, fred, this is the first time we've had a supreme court justice respond on camera. and clarence thomas, as you said, his language was so strong. he called this tremendously bad. he said it's like an infidelity. and he said now the justices are basically looking over their shoulders because they feel this lack of trust. and fred, that's a lot stronger sentiment than we've heard before, because chief justice
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john roberts called this appalling, but he suggested in a statement that it wasn't going to impact the work of the court. that is not what clarence thomas said in that speech. he basically said he's worried. and he suggested that the leaker here is trying to destroy the institution. and for clarence thomas, he really believes in the necessity of stable institutions. so to answer your question, he is aiming his comments at the leaker. and of course we don't know who that is, but a lot of people say if it's a liberal, it's somebody who wants to warn the country about what's going on, or if it's a conservative, it's somebody who wants to hold on to that five-member majority in that draft opinion. and he really targeted them last night in those comments. >> he really said a lot, which is very unusual for a sitting justice to talk about something that's ongoing. he also made the comment about precedent and the court. this is what he said.
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>> even with stare decisis, you will see in a lot of those instances, they run out of arguments. i would say when someone uses stare decisis, that means they're out of arguments, and that, umm, and, umm, they're just sort of waving the white flag and i just keep going. >> so are we to decipher that he really is undermining the value of precedent, which was an argument that so many justice nominees made during confirmation hearings, that in the example of roe v. wade, there is precedent, and it is the law of the land. he's saying they've thrown in the town? the towel? >> he's interesting, because of all the justices on the court, he has always been the one least apt to follow precedent. and, you know, we've seen this draft opinion, the draft, if it's out there somewhere, that's what they're going to target
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because the liberals here would say you can't just overthrow 50-year-old precedent that women have come to rely on across the country. and the liberals will say that that is just not right because the law is built on precedent and if you pull out one of those building blocks then everything comes down. but clarence thomas is saying that last night, he's repeating something he's said again and again, that just because a ruling has been on the books for 50 years, that doesn't mean it's right. and here, when it comes to abortion, he thinks this issue should go back to the states. >> all very striking. ariane de vogue, thank you so much for breaking it down for us, appreciate it. still ahead, in laguna miguel, california, hundreds of homes still under evacuation, as firefighters battle the coastal fire. we'll talk to the mayor of laguna migal, next.
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taking a look at weather right now, dry conditions across the country. drought cutting a wide swath from california to kansas. while fires are still burning in new mexico. and an early heat wave is building this week across the south. let's go to cnn meteorologist allison chinchar. wow, this is tough. >> it is, and it's in a lot of places. it's important to note the scope
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of this heat wave. you have potential records that stretch from california all the way over to florida and even a couple in the northeast possible, not only today but any time from now until the next seven days. in fact some of these areas especially across texas, san angelo, for example, could end up breaking records five days in a row over the next week as those temperatures basically remain in triple-digit numbers. and yes, when we talk about the southwest, these are hot places, we get it. phoenix is normally hot. but even by their standards, this is above average. phoenix is expected to reach 103 today, that's 11 degrees above average. tucson, las vegas, also expected to be about ten degrees above average. one of the other components of the heat is how it's making it very difficult for the firefighters who are out trying to battle a lot of the ongoing fires across the country. one of those is the hermit's peak fire currently ongoing in new mexico. you can see the smoke plumes there. and this red highlighted area is all of the acres that have
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already burned. the containment right now is below 30%. the hope is really in the next 24 hours to make some increases in that containment before conditions start to deteriorate very quickly on monday. right now, that fire is in second place in terms of the largest new mexico wildfires in terms of acres burned. one thing to note, fred, is over the next week or so, that could end up climbing to the number one spot. >> oh, my goodness. all right. allison chinchar, thank you so much. all right. and then right now more than 130 homes are still under evacuation orders in orange county, california, where the coastal fire continues to burn. just look at those images. the fires have ripped through 200 acres, destroyed 20 homes in the city of laguna niguel, and damaging at least 11 others. elaine jenoway is the mayor of laguna niguel.
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i'm so sorry this is happening to you and your neighbors. what's the latest on the containment there? >> well, i just got back to city hall from touring the impacted area, as well as our care shelter at crown continually work on that, right now it's about 40%. we did have some good news yesterday. originally we had 900 homes in the evacuation area and late yesterday we were able to reduce that to 131 homes. continuing to work on that, but want to make sure that it is safe for residents to return to their neighborhoods. it is still an active fire area. we may not see smoke in the sky but there are a lot of embers and hot spots that need to be addressed before we can let any residents back to their home. there's still 131 homes. we hope to have some good news but can't say yet we wait for
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clearance from the orange county fire authority. but our community, the outreach from our community has been tremendous. >> yeah. i mean, you're living it. and, you know, your constituents are living it. looking at these images it's so hard to believe. are you getting a better explanation as to how in the world something like this could happen in this manner? here you are a coastal community. usually people have become accustomed to seeing wildfires raging in wooded areas, enveloping houses in peaks and canyons but then in the community, on a coast like that, what have officials been telling you about the nature of this fire? >> well, you know, in this area we have a lot of hillsides, we've had high winds lately. it's been very dry. and the weather is hot. today we're in the 80s, which is pretty warm for this time of year, even though it's southern
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california, it's warm and the humidity has been very low. but when you have winds coming through the hillside and it kind of channels the wind, it does create a situation where it is difficult to fight the fires and it accelerates the speed at which the fire moves. as far as any causes, that will be under investigation. we don't have that determined but that will be under investigation. but right now the concern is the safety of the residents and getting as many as we can back into their homes. >> one of the conversation -- what have the conversations been like with people who have lost their homes, lost everything? >> well, we have a cities fire response team, they have already contacted the residents that are in the homes that have been destroyed. we have a process in place to walk with them through the entire process that they will have one point of contact to go out to their property, to meet
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with them, and to provide whatever assistance and information that we can. so the homeowners that have been contacted, there's a full range of emotion. some are still in shock, as many in our community are, and some are saying we are ready to rebuild. so there's that full range. and we will meet the homeowners where they are, where they are as far as in their process of, you know, realizing what has happened and making their plans. but our city team has been fantastic in reaching out to the residents. our orange county fire authority, even the firefighters out on the lines, when they come into contact with residents, they are very compassionate. and they are very caring. we've had that response back from the residents in the area. as have our sheriff deputies, we have the orange county sheriff deputies who work for laguna police services and they've been
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incredible as well. >> i'm so sorry you have to go through this. >> yeah. it is really impacted our community but we have a very close community. >> glad to hear that. that is powerful. mayor, thank you so much. all the best to you. >> thank you. thanks for being with me this afternoon. i'm fredricka whitfield, the cnn "newsroom" continues right after this. but first, this week's taking care of business. >> i feel with the connection to my ancestors that i'm able to understand better the growth cycle and listening to the vines i feel their strength. i am indigenous. i've been in the wine industry for 24 years now. with the financial support of my tribe, i was able to go off to college and get my degree. i'm the co-founder, co-winer of
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